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Why are Independent Pharmacies so Valuable?

My experiences working for and supporting an independent pharmacy.

Why are Independent Pharmacies so Valuable?

My experiences working for and supporting an independent pharmacy.

If you let me, I can talk for ages about why I’ll always get my medications from independent pharmacies and share my journey of working for one. Being both an employee and a customer gave me an all-encompassing experience with independent pharmacies. Although I’ll admit, it does help that I adore my pharmacist and my work.

I’ve been working at an independent pharmacy for over five years now, and there are many lessons that I’ve learned, not just about running a business but also about how to talk to people. My pharmaceutical knowledge and social skills would not have been as developed today without working at my job.

In today’s article, I will share three reasons you should look into supporting your local independent pharmacy.

1. You’re supporting a family, not a corporation.

It’s known that big corporations like Walgreens and CVS are billion-dollar companies that, as corporate businesses do, focus a lot of their efforts on volume and production. When I fill my prescriptions at my pharmacy, I know that the money my insurance pays and my out-of-pocket costs go to support my boss and her family. I’d rather give her the business because she’s made sure that I’m taken care of.

I acknowledge that bigger pharmacies may be more convenient due to longer open hours. Still, if you can manage the accommodation at your local pharmacy, I’m very confident that you won’t regret it. The personalized experience you’ll have will make you feel as if you’re making a difference, and the business will benefit from your support.

2. Cash prices for medications are usually lower, especially if you have a relationship with the pharmacy.

Walgreens will have set cash prices if their customers do not have prescription insurance or their insurance does not cover their prescribed medication. Usually, this price will be the wholesale cost of the drug without any discount. These prices can make or break someone’s bank. Let’s not forget the issue with insurance co-pays and the price of medications overall because that’s another topic for another time.

At independent pharmacies, the pharmacist in charge can usually set their cash prices for medications. This is because independent pharmacists want to set the best prices possible, especially for their most loyal customers. Therefore, it does pay to be kind and form relationships with your healthcare professionals.

Remember: Independent pharmacies are so valuable because they make each patient feel valued.

3. Other services are readily available

There need to be ways that an independent pharmacy can compete against big chains. As with any business, you need to give and develop trust before you can receive. Independent pharmacies tend to offer other services free of charge that make patients’ lives easier. Examples of this would be free home delivery of prescriptions, blister packaging for those who find it difficult to keep track of their medication, and aid in picking out Medicare plans.

As a consumer, I recommend taking advantage of these offers because they’re convenient and make both parties satisfied. The point is to make patients feel prioritized. They are people, not statistics. That is perhaps the biggest lesson I’ve learned while working at an independent pharmacy.

With all of this being said, I shall step off my soapbox and look forward to seeing all of you show your support to your local pharmacy.

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Jamie Larson